Here are some floral images of Michael Weiss that we are adding to our collection:
Tulip In Vase
Regarding Client Birthday Cards:
We suggest you send an entirely different photograph/card to the men than what you send to the women, when it comes to birthday cards. It only makes sense to treat each person within a couple as separate individuals.
To do this, we have to work with two sets of birthday mailing lists - one for men and one for women. Our Note Coaches help our customers compose different birthday notes for each list, and help choose an appropriate card for each group.
Without being too sexist, we have found that for women's birthday images, flowers are in hot demand. Flower images are hard to do well. We see a lot of them when reviewing potential photographers for our artist list, but rarely do we find work that is done not only well, but with a 'viewpoint' or style that is unique.