No matter what type of selling or consulting you may do, the questions you ask are often more important than the statements you make. How many times have your own prospects and clients demonstrated this by stating things like, "That's a good question" or "You are asking the right questions" and "These are tough decisions to make, but I'm glad you're raising these issues"?
Good questions enhance marketing and selling. These principles apply:
1) The buyer makes the decision to buy.The advisor must lead the buyer through the buying process.
2) Work through the process together. Collaborate with the client.
3) Your relationship is critical to the ultimate outcome: making the sale. Trust is key.
4) When you are in control, you are in charge. The one who asks the questions is the one who has control.
5) You show the importance of your question by how well you listen to the answer.
Of all the nuances, rules, regulations and styles that apply to the various forms of advising, the one inescapable truth is that the sale is most often made in the questioning process. " From Melchinger On Marketing